Wednesday, October 31, 2001

Well, my birthday is past, I'm now officially 23 years old. For Miranda I'll say it : "You think you know a person!". :-) Love you Miranda! I spent the evening at her house carving pumpkins with a few good friends. Very much fun. I've had a great day, my first in a long while, and thanks to all that helped make it that way. Now, to all of you reading this, if you are around on Friday night, you are welcome to my party here. I don't know if I'll be talking to you all but there is your invitation for all to see. Hope to hear from you all soon! Miss you!

Thursday, October 25, 2001

I can't believe its been this long since I last posted. Oh well. I've been having a really stressful week and I was not exactly up to pouring my heart out randomly. Things are starting to look a little better though, but I refuse to jinx anything. I was planning on actually going to Shakespeare this morning but didn't get any sleep last night (have been having troubles sleeping) so when my alarm went off at seven thirty this morning I was not amused. I had a sore throat, a fever, the shakes, in short I was not a happy camper. So I called in sick to work and ended up sleeping most of the day. Yeah sleep. I now feel much better and am looking forward to the weekend. :-)

Sunday, October 21, 2001

Well, I managed to completely waste a complete weekend. Don't know how I did it but I did. I have done absolutely nothing of interest all weekend. I've been depressed and mopey the entire time. . . right down to sitting in a dark room listening to depressing music over and over again. Hope the week goes better than that!

Friday, October 19, 2001

Absolutely nothing happened last night so I waited till this morning to blog. I'm meeting Kathy at 1:00 to go over her teacher's college applications, and then I have to come back and clean my room 'cause Brianna is coming for the weekend. Finally! It's only taken a month and a half to get her here! I can't wait to see her again, cause I know she'll cheer me up. Which I need since I've been down in the dumps lately. Yeah for the weekend!

Thursday, October 18, 2001

Today was a blah day. Nothing much happened. . .I worked all afternoon (which actually wasn't bad as Donna wasn't in so Tina and I had a blast), then studied for my test for German Drama. I think that went fairly well, I was able to come up with something coherent at least. Found out tonight that Belleville's post office is in the midst of an Anthrax scare, and that's kinda scary. Hope things test negative there! I have mail waiting for me! Anyways, its now my bedtime so night all!

Wednesday, October 17, 2001

The following posts are from one of my favourite movies, The Princess Bride. Enjoy!

Inigo Montoya: Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

Buttercup: You mock my pain!
Westley: Life is pain, Highness! Anyone who says differently is selling something.

Inigo Montoya: I donna suppose you could espeed things up??
Westley: If you're in such a hurry, you could lower a rope or a tree branch or find something useful to do.
Inigo Montoya: I could do that. I have some rope up here, but I do not think you would accept my help, since I am only only waiting around to kill you.
Westley: That does put a damper on our relationship.

Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Westley: I told you I would always come for you. Why didn't you wait for me?
Buttercup: Well... you were dead.
Westley: Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.

Okay, I've tried to post twice already tonight and it keeps erasing what I've typed. Therefore I refuse to type it AGAIN! I'll summerize instead. In the last 24 hours I've missed all my classes 'cause I felt sick, worked twice ('cause work sucks), and gone to a late show of "Serendipity" starring John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale, which I really enjoyed. Oh yeah, and bought an empty box which was supposed to have a lightbulb in it. I love Shoppers! :-) And now that I've typed my life for a third time, I'm stopping.

Oh yeah, to all of you I haven't heard from in a while, where are you? Contact me, eh? :-)

Tuesday, October 16, 2001

Another day wasted. . . I seem to be really talented at wasting time. Spent the day at school between classes, work, and a little bit of socializing. I lead a very boring life. And now that it is this late, I'm going to bed since I once again have a 9:30 class. Night all!

Monday, October 15, 2001

I found this on another website and thought it kind of interesting.

This excerpt from the article made me sort of sad, but, at the same time, it's sort of Daily Show-ish:

Sesame Workshop issued a statement saying it was very unhappy with the sudden connection between a lovable character with a penchant for pigeons and bottlecaps and the most wanted man in the world.

"Sesame Street has always stood for mutual respect and understanding," a spokeswoman said. "We're outraged that our characters would be used in this unfortunate and distasteful manner. This is not at all humorous.The people responsible for this should be ashamed of themselves. We are exploring all legal options to stop this abuse and any similar abuses in the future."

When asked about Bert's current whereabouts, however, the spokeswoman replied: "No comment."

Hope it brought a smile to your face as it did mine! :-)

Another weekend gone. . . I wish I didn't have class tomorrow at 9:30 in the morning. Today I ended up spending an hour and a half doing dishes with Kim. . . the kitchen looks ALOT better now. I also watched the movie "Someone Like You" ~ its not bad. Not good either though. Other than that all I've done today is school work and playing euchure. I lead such an exciting life. And now its my bedtime. Good night world!

Sunday, October 14, 2001

Quote of the day: "Procrastination is like masturbation . . . you're having fun until you realize you're fucking yourself."

I just created my stortrooper. . .and yes I realize she looks nothing like me. There is a reason for that and if you know me well enough, you can probably guess it. Sonia left here a little while ago. We watched a movie and then played Rummikub. Overall a very enjoyable evening. Unfortunately I have to do alot of reading for classes on Monday. . .guess that's the idea and plan for tomorrow. :-(

Saturday, October 13, 2001

I'm sitting here at work, bored out of my mind. :-( I wish someone would come online so I could talk to them. I hate working on Saturdays.

Friday, October 12, 2001

Well, I finally decided to get one of these things. I don't know how often I'll use it but we'll see. At least this is a place where I can rant and rave quietly. I love ranting. :-)