Saturday, December 22, 2001

I'm finally getting healthy again!!! For those who don't know, I got sick my first full day in Belleville. . . stupid city! So I've been ill since Monday, suffering from chills, fevers, muscle pains, headaches, lack of sleep, stuffed and runny noses, the whole works. At least its fading now, and I've got my voice back. Other then getting healthy, my time here at home has been spent finishing my Christmas shopping, reading, and last night I saw my mom's side of the family at the Christmas dinner. True to form the entire family went out of their way to insult Robin. . everything from her hair to her shoes. Grandma even ignored her entirely at one point. Gotta love my family! I haven't done much else. . . so if you're as bored as I am give me a call, I'd love to talk! Merry Christmas to everyone!!

Thursday, December 20, 2001

I've tried posting twice now and it keeps erasing. . . I'm too fed up to retype it again.

Friday, December 14, 2001

Oh yeah, forgot to say that for all you people wondering why you can't leave comments anymore, its because the program is dead. I'm working on finding the time to get a new comment section hooked up, so be patient. Until then, feel free to e-mail me or call me!

Well, its been an interesting last few days. . .for once in my life I'm playing neutral. Two people in my house are fighting the way Sarah and I did in second year, and I'm in the neutral position. Whoever thought I could be neutral? So in regards to the fight, I will say nothing. Kim, I hope you are having a good time in the Sault. . you are much missed in the house right now.
Tuesday night Kelsey and I went to see Behind Enemy Lines at Jackson. It was an alright movie. . .very USA winning the world type thing, but it was more enjoyable because Kels and I had a chance to actually get to know each other. Wednesday Miranda, Diana and I rented Rush Hour 2 (nothing compared to the first one) and had a nice quiet evening here at the house. Then tonight I went out to LimeRidge with Karen to get each other's Christmas presents. Always a good time when I'm with Karen! Tomorrow I am supposed to see Rick and go see Vanilla Sky, and pick up my essay at school. Busy day! :-)

Monday, December 10, 2001

Yeah, I'm not a tomato!!!!!!

Strawberry: 50/100 Pear: 40/100 Banana: 30/100 Tomato: 20/100 Lemon: 0/100

Take the What Fruit Are You? test by webkin and aaronr!

Well, I saw Kelsey this morning. . .and apparently she isn't mad at me. . .she very politely asked a couple questions before she went to catch her bus. Now I don't know what to think. Maybe she's only mad at Nikki after all.

Well, now that I have nothing to do, I'm doing nothing but sleeping it seems. That's cool though, my occasional fever is going away because of all this napping. Haven't gone out of the house much, except on Friday night to go see Ocean's Eleven with Miranda, Kim, and Erin. GREAT movie. I want to see it again. The rest of this weekend I've been reading, except for tonight which I spent watching South Park the movie with Nikki and Ed, then playing 8,5,3. Oh yeah, and apparently Kelsey is now REALLY pissed off with us. Things should be fun now since Nikki is running away to TO with Ed. If no one sees me for awhile, question Kelsey! :-)

Tuesday, December 04, 2001

Today was my first day where I had nothing for school over my head. I have an exam tomorrow night but I'm not worried about it. With nothing schoolwise to do, I was bored out of my mind. I ended up doing laundry just to occupy myself. Nikki clued in when she found me online for the fourth time. In less than four hours. What can I say? So now I'm online talking to Miranda and hoping others come on so I can talk into the wee hours like I did a couple nights ago. Who needs sleep eh?

Monday, December 03, 2001

Kim was bitching at me just now to update so here I go. I'm currently writing an essay that is due tomorrow and not getting done anytime soon. I'm starting to miss certain people and really want to see other people. I had fun playing with someone's mind tonight, but its now got me into a lot of trouble. Oh well, I'll survive. Always do somehow. I think I read that its a scorpio thing. The more I find out about my sign . . .the more I love being it!