Wednesday, May 29, 2002

For those of you who hate me, this should give you a good laugh.

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

I am officially blogging BEFORE I get the message from Nikki tomorrow to update my blog (Nikki, you know as well as I do that you would tell me to update). I am living. I watched Toronto's hockey team die this evening. A horribly painful death. I spent my entire day doing Calculus and because of actions of others, was not able to spend my evening the way I wanted. The highlight of my day was seeing Nikki for all of 20 minutes this evening. Yes, my life is that sad that 20 minutes of Nikki bugging Ali was the best part of my day. And yes, my mood is not the happiest right now. Life's a bitch and then you die.

Monday, May 27, 2002

Although I have been recently quoted as saying that I am not on this earth to provide a certain person's online entertainment, I once again find myself posting to my blog with nothing to say. The highlight of my weekend was going to East Sides with Nikki, Ed, and Ali. Other actions included going to work, making supper for Ali and I, and doing housework. Not exactly thrilling. It was suggested to me that I post about the crap that is going on on other people's blogs, but that is in my mind not worthy of my time or effort. All I will say is that I have yet to post a comment on any person's blog regarding it, and I will continue not to, so if anyone is presuming my guilt, they are wrong. It was also suggested to me that I turn this into a shrine to a certain person, but as much as I love them, and have recently posted that I do, I don't think they need another online worship tool. There are only two people on this earth that I feel worthy enough and photogenic enough to deserve that, and hun, you aren't one of them. Sorry. If you think about a recent conversation we've had, you'll figure out who one is.

The only other things I have to say tonight are this:
1) My housemates of the male persuasion still stink. I'm taking a poll - who thinks I should leave a gift of soap and instructions outside their doors? E-mail me with your comments (
2) I desperately want to put my desk back together. If anyone is good with tools (tools, not their tool), PLEASE volunteer to help me put it together. Thanx!!

And that's all folks! So long, farewell, and good bye.

Saturday, May 25, 2002

Well - here it is again - the time where Nikki has people besides herself telling me to update in order to guilt me into it. Nikki, I love ya but my life isn't interesting enough to have me update all the time! My job is going well - I am enjoying the work itself and the girls I work with are still as nice as I originally thought they would be. Other than work, my life is school. Classes are going well - even though I hate not having any evenings to myself. I had my first math test in years Wednesday night and I found it very easy. YEAH!! Other than that, not much is going on. Karen and I went out for supper tonight, then went to the park and relived our childhood by playing on the swings. Yes, that was the highlight of my day. As I said - not much bloggable happening in my life. Anything interesting is better saved for East Sides chats. HINT HINT!:-)

Friday, May 17, 2002

For the two of you whining over the lack of postings on peoples blogs - this one's for you. My life this week has been basically devoted to school and work. So far work is really good - my boss and co-workers seem really cool and the job itself is still enjoyable and appearing to stay that way. Classes are becoming more intensive, with things coming due and me already behind in my readings. Today was my first day I was able to sleep in for a while and I enjoyed it emmensely. I can't wait to do it again tomorrow. As for plans for the long weekend - I have none besides working all day Saturday and Sunday.
So if people are around on Monday and bored - give me a call!

Sunday, May 12, 2002

I went to see Spiderman tonight. I really enjoyed it - until the last few minutes when everyone involved with the movie must have been on crack or something. The script became horrible, the acting worse, and the lead up for a sequel enough to make me want to laugh out loud, and I'm willing to accept just about anything in a movie. My question is this - why on Earth would a director make the last few minutes of their movie the worst? This is the part the stays in people's minds as they leave the theatre - why would you want them to remember crap? Then again - maybe that's just me. The rest of the movie was pretty good. Predictable yes, but considering we all grew up with the story, how could it not be and remain true to the tale?

Enough about Spiderman. For those of you who don't know, I am once again employed. I start Monday at a store called Stokes up at Lime Ridge Mall. I'm really excited about it, and glad to again be making money - especially since I'm basically flat broke.

I've been basically sleeping my life away the last couple days. I haven't had much to do so sleep has seemed the best option. So if anyone reading this is bored - CALL ME!!!!

Wednesday, May 08, 2002

Well, my busy summer has begun. Classes started Monday night - and I'm already swamped in work and assignments, not to mention reading. I had a job interview on Monday as well at Lime Ridge - I find out on Friday if I got the job so keep your fingers crossed for me!! If I get it, if is full part time, with a chance at a management position!! It would also mean I'd be working a lot of hours, plus my school in the evenings Monday through Thursday, plus my drivers education, and somewhere in there I'm supposed to occasionally go home, and visit with my friends here. So I'll say it now - I'm sorry if you feel like I'm ignoring you. I'm not. I just don't have any time at all.Feel free to call me though - I always return phone calls. And to close - does two posts count Nikki? :-)

Friday, May 03, 2002

This posting is for you Nikki - lets see how long it takes for you to discover I've posted! Since most of you who read this (all two of you) already know what's going on in my life, I'll fill you in on what's happening in my student house instead. Up until the end of April, my house consisted of myself, Alison, Nikki, Kim, and a hoju named Kelsey. Kelsey has hated me since frosh week, for a very stupid reason that she won't even admit to herself, so I was very glad to see her go. Especially since she was as immature as a wee babe and bitchier than anyone I've met before in my life. On the day she left, Kelsey pounded down Nikki's door at 10:30 in the morning in a final attempt to make everyone in the house hate her - then proceded to cry to try and get pity from people. Fortunately, we are all too smart to fall for it and she left without a friend in the house. Since she was also a slob, I spent the two days after she left cleaning up after her - and got her deposit as a reward from the landlord for doing so. Nikki and Kim have left as well, but since I talk to Kim on the phone everyday and see Nikki every day, I don't miss them much. (I love you guys!!). Their replacements seem nice, but there is a big issue with them - they smell. Well, only two of them but they really reek. Hopefully this will change though. I'll keep things posted.