Wednesday, June 12, 2002

What a week! Grad was on Wednesday, and then my mom came for the weekend. And what a weekend. Friday she picked me up from work, then I drove us over to Upper James cinema where we had supper, then met Kim, her mom, and Sonia to see Devine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. The movie was really good, then we went for coffee at Second Cup. While there, Miranda called and invited us to East Sides, so we went there next. Afterwards, I drove Kim and her mom home, then mom and I headed home ourselves. Saturday was my friend Rob's wedding, and I didn't get home from that until 2 in the morning, same time as the night before. Mom was sick all night so we didn't get much sleep, then the next day I said goodbye to her and headed up to the present opening BBQ for the newlyweds. This is the basics of what happened. What I haven't said is how emotional everything was on Saturday and Sunday, what with problems running deep between just about everyone I care about that was involved in the wedding. Sunday was the worst, with things getting so bad that I didn't even make it home that night. I ended up going to work EXTREMELY tired on Monday morning and basically sleep walking the entire shift away. Now I'm working on the assignments that are due this week and I have no ambition or energy. I can't wait for my summer vacation to start.

Tuesday, June 04, 2002

I am disgusted with teachers who are not educated on what they are teaching. In my English class we are studying Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. The prof is taking the stance that the three books the creature reads are what his personality is based on. Fine, I can handle that. But he reads three books, Plutarch's Lives, Milton's Paradise Lost, and Goethe's Sorrows of Young Werther. My prof is basing her entire reasoning on the model of Paradise Lost, completely ignoring the messages presented in the other two books, with the one from Werther being as significant in my mind as the one from Milton. When I mentioned it in class, she told me she had never read Goethe and didn't know anything about the book. Can someone please tell me how she can place so much significance on one novel while completely ignoring the other two? Now I admit that I am not as knowledgeable on the other two as I am on Werther, but I am not the teacher. Shouldn't she know something about all three???

Other than that, nothing interesting really happened to me today. I was up until 7 am, then slept until 1:30, so there was little time to do anything else.

In closing, I'd like to say a congrats to all my graduating friends. You guys worked hard (or put up a good show of it) and deserve it. Keep in touch with us lowly undergrads, eh?! :-)

Monday, June 03, 2002

This weekend I did absolutely nothing of value to me in the world. I visited with my friends Rick and April, watching movies and hanging outside with them. It was great to have a weekend of doing nothing related to work or school. I am SO looking forward to the end of this school term. Summer school sucks.

Saturday, June 01, 2002

So I spent 10 hours at LimeRidge today. I worked until 4 then spent the next 5 hours looking for a dress to wear to a wedding next weekend. And after all that, I still have no dress. Grrr. Plus, the retail industry is so shitty right now that I'm getting shitty hours. And I mean shitty. I hope things pick up soon, I need money. My marks were posted the other day. Nothing below a nine this year (B+). YEAH!

I just checked the movie listings in Hamilton and the movie I want to see is playing in Westdale. Double yeah!! And admission there for Mac students is only 5.50!!! What's sad is that this has been the highlight of my day. That and the little old lady at work today who told me I was the sweetest girl who'd served her during her trip to Hamilton. :-)

Speaking of interesting people. Today on the bus home there was a guy who was wearing a pink skirt and white blouse. To accessorize this, he was wearing his hair in pig tails with pink elastics, a pink bandanna, and pink makeup, including eyeshadow and blush. I admire the guy for having the guts to wear something that made everyone look at him (he was a tall, well built guy and therefore obviously not female), but at the same time wonder why he would choose pink of all colours. I mean, PINK!